Membership of the Danish Nobility Association

Membership of the Danish Nobility Association

The Danish Nobility Association is open to any person belonging to the Danish nobility.

The annual membership fee is DKK 590 for people aged 30 and over, and DKK 315 for people aged 29 and under.

Every three years, members receive a copy of the Danish Nobility Yearbook. The next yearbook is expected to be published in November 2021.

Persons aged 29 or under can sign up for a membership for DKK 195 per year, but then receive no yearbook. – Please write in the comments field if you want membership without a yearbook.

Withdrawal of the Danish Nobility Association

The membership ceases upon resignation, which can only be made in writing to the Danish Nobility Association with one month’s notice until the end of a calendar year (cf. Laws for the Danish Nobility Association, § 4)

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